University of Mumbai

Department of Students’ Development

57th Inter-Collegiate / Institute / Department Youth Festival Academic Year-2024-25

District Round Result

Zone VI : (Thane and Palghar Tribal)

Music : Classical Instrumental [Percussion] Solo: Taalvadya

Sr. No. Rank Name of the College College Code
1 FIRST RANK Arts, Science and Commerce College, Goveli 6-14

Music : Indian Light Vocal Solo

Sr. No. Rank Name of the College College Code
1 THIRD RANK Arts, Science and Commerce College, Goveli 6-14

Music : Indian Group Song

Sr. No. Rank Name of the College College Code
1 FIRST RANK Arts, Science and Commerce College, Goveli 6-14
2 SECOND RANK Shantaram Bhau College of Arts and Science, Gotirambhau College of Commerce, Shivle, Murbad 6-02

Music : Natyasangeet Vocal Solo

Sr. No. Rank Name of the College College Code
1 FIRST RANK Arts, Science and Commerce College, Goveli 6-14

Dance : Indian Folk Dance

Sr. No. Rank Name of the College College Code
1 THIRD RANK Arts, Science and Commerce College, Goveli 6-14
2 CONSOLATION Dr. Shantilal Dhanji Devsey Arts College and Commerce and Science College, Wada 6-07

Literary : Elocution Group A (Marathi)

Sr. No. Rank Name of the College College Code
1 FIRST RANK Jeevandeep Arts, Commerce and Science College, Mhasa, Dist.- Thane 6-12
2 SECOND RANK Arts, Science and Commerce College, Mokhada 6-09
3 THIRD RANK Arts Commerce and Science College Khardi 6-06

Literary : Elocution Group B (Hindi or English)

Sr. No. Rank Name of the College College Code
1 CONSOLATION Ideal Institute of Pharmacy, Posheri, Wada 6-05

Literary : Debate Group A (Marathi)

Sr. No. Rank Name of the College College Code
1 FIRST RANK Arts Commerce and Science College Khardi 6-06
2 SECOND RANK Kinhavalis Arts, Commerce and Science College, Kinhavali 6-08
3 THIRD RANK Arts, Science and Commerce College, Mokhada 6-09

Literary : Story Telling Group A (Marathi)

Sr. No. Rank Name of the College College Code
1 FIRST RANK Kinhavalis Arts, Commerce and Science College, Kinhavali 6-08
2 SECOND RANK Shantaram Bhau College of Arts and Science, Gotirambhau College of Commerce, Shivle, Murbad 6-02
3 THIRD RANK Ideal Institute of Pharmacy, Posheri, Wada 6-05

Literary : Story Telling Group B (Hindi or English)

Sr. No. Rank Name of the College College Code
1 CONSOLATION Ideal Institute of Pharmacy, Posheri, Wada 6-05

Theatre : Skit Group A (Marathi)

Sr. No. Rank Name of the College College Code
1 FIRST RANK Arts Commerce and Science College Khardi 6-06
2 SECOND RANK Arts, Science and Commerce College, Goveli 6-14

Theatre : Mono-Acting Group A (Marathi)

Sr. No. Rank Name of the College College Code
1 FIRST RANK Arts Commerce and Science College Khardi 6-06

Fine Art : On the Spot Painting

Sr. No. Rank Name of the College College Code
1 FIRST RANK Sonubhau Baswant College of Arts and Commerce, Shahapur 6-15

Fine Art : Poster Making

Sr. No. Rank Name of the College College Code
1 SECOND RANK Arts Commerce and Science College Khardi 6-06
2 CONSOLATION Shantaram Bhau College of Arts and Science, Gotirambhau College of Commerce, Shivle, Murbad 6-02

Fine Art : Clay Modeling

Sr. No. Rank Name of the College College Code
1 SECOND RANK Shantaram Bhau College of Arts and Science, Gotirambhau College of Commerce, Shivle, Murbad 6-02

Fine Art : Rangoli

Sr. No. Rank Name of the College College Code
1 THIRD RANK Jeevandeep Arts, Commerce and Science College, Mhasa, Dist.- Thane 6-12
2 CONSOLATION Arts Commerce and Science College Khardi 6-06

Fine Art : Mehandi Designing

Sr. No. Rank Name of the College College Code
1 FIRST RANK Arts Commerce and Science College Khardi 6-06
2 SECOND RANK Jeevandeep Arts, Commerce and Science College, Mhasa, Dist.- Thane 6-12
3 THIRD RANK Jayvantrao Pawar Arts, Science and Commerce College, Tokawade, Murbad, 6-10
4 CONSOLATION Comrade Godavari Shamrao Parulekar College of Arts and Commerce, Talasari 6-11
5 CONSOLATION Arts, Science and Commerce College, Goveli 6-14